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Article: Coffee promotes your movement

Kaffee fördert Deine Bewegung

Coffee promotes your movement

A new study from March 2023 found that above-average coffee consumption increases physical activity.

The study was approved by the University of California, San Francisco institutional review board and consisted of 100 participants with an average age of 39 years. The participants were randomly asked to consume caffeinated coffee or to avoid caffeine. The rule was that if coffee was consumed on two days, no coffee was allowed to be consumed on the following two days.

How did the measurements go?

The number of steps taken and the amount of sleep was measured using wrist-mounted Bluetooth devices. On the days when coffee was consumed, the participants walked an average of 1000 more steps per day than on days without coffee consumption. However, sleep duration decreased by 39 minutes on days with coffee consumption.

Here, however, it must be noted that the metabolism, i.e. the processing of caffeine in the body, is very individual and accordingly has different effects on people.

Our conclusion of the study

Overall, it shows that physical activity is an important factor for health and thus longevity, and that coffee consumption can have a positive effect on physical activity.

We can therefore look forward to our coffee every day and the additional physical activity that it promotes. Find your favorite coffee and try the My Coffee Cup Grand Selection.

Would you like to read the study? Then just have a look here.

Source: Gregory M. Marcus et al. (2023): Acute Effects of Coffee Consumption on Health among Ambulatory Adults. The New England Journal of Medicine.

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